Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Can I just tell you that there really is something about food that is prepared by old African-Americans?
I swear, I feel such a rush when Mrs. Eley brings over one of those huge aluminium foil pans full of home made macaroni and cheese. There is just something about the grease. Yum!!
That and the cornbread. My boys are now asking my parents' friends at the door if they've got any cornbread with them. They want to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
So do I
I keep telling myself that I will do a "Cleanse" when I get back home to clean me out from all of this food...

1 comment:

Jennifer and Neil said...

I'm so jealous!! I just ate a protein bar....not the least bit satisfying. mmmm mac -n- cheese sounds delightful!