Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, a few things
1. After a rather typical MaCo, but none the less disturbing interaction at a local park, we've decided that we are giving MaCo a year and then we are outta here (if not sooner) I won't go into the details of the interaction, but here is a sample of what she was like. She was carrying on about how her 2009 fully loaded Honda Odyssey Touring was a "cheap" car. A "piece of junk that she won't drive for long" She prefers "luxury" vehicles...gag....ack!
2. The other day I saw a guy driving a Prius (alone-everyone in Maco drive solo.) flick his ciggy butt out of the window to the side of the road. I was like, "did that just really happen?" Talk about unclear on the concept....
3. The boob-job and tummy tuck look awesome. Actually, I still have a Franken-belly, but it is pretty flat!!
4. My oldest "graduates" from Pre-K tomorrow. I had no idea that one "'graduated" from Pre-K. I mean, I understand the importance of acknowledging these sort of life transitions, but "graduation"....
That's it...I'm out!

1 comment:

Jennifer and Neil said...

I'm so on board with you. We're looking at moving (maybe just one town over). I'm pretty sure we're the only people who are DOWNsizing on purpose. Getting a smaller house, smaller garage, smaller furniture. I wish I could live in Davis again....