Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, a few things
1. After a rather typical MaCo, but none the less disturbing interaction at a local park, we've decided that we are giving MaCo a year and then we are outta here (if not sooner) I won't go into the details of the interaction, but here is a sample of what she was like. She was carrying on about how her 2009 fully loaded Honda Odyssey Touring was a "cheap" car. A "piece of junk that she won't drive for long" She prefers "luxury" vehicles...gag....ack!
2. The other day I saw a guy driving a Prius (alone-everyone in Maco drive solo.) flick his ciggy butt out of the window to the side of the road. I was like, "did that just really happen?" Talk about unclear on the concept....
3. The boob-job and tummy tuck look awesome. Actually, I still have a Franken-belly, but it is pretty flat!!
4. My oldest "graduates" from Pre-K tomorrow. I had no idea that one "'graduated" from Pre-K. I mean, I understand the importance of acknowledging these sort of life transitions, but "graduation"....
That's it...I'm out!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So I saw this on a bumper sticker today.
"When Bush took office, gas was $1.46 a gallon"
We are paying $4.29 for it here in MaCo.